What is Class Dojo?
We use the online platform Class Dojo for the majority of our communication with parents, so is really important for keeping up to date with events in school and finding out what your child is doing in school.
Families receive messages for the whole school and each class has their own page where teachers post information about learning, reminders and notices. We also share photos from the classroom so parents and carers can see how we learn at school. Parents can message their teacher directly and children can share important moments with their family at home.
Each child has their own “Portfolio” where they may be asked to post their homework. This helps teachers build stronger and better relationships with children and their families.
If you haven't already signed up to Class Dojo please do so by asking the class teacher for an invite code.
Class Dojo is free and can be downloaded from either Google Play store, Apple's App store or by visiting www.classdojo.com
Features of Class Dojo
Messaging - This allows you to directly message your child's class teacher, within normal working hours - please do not expect staff to respond out of these hours.
Class Story - This will be updated with photos and videos allowing you to see what your child has been doing in school.
School Story - This is where you can see messages and content relevant to the whole school.
Points - Finally, we award Class Dojo points to our children to reward their positive behaviour, you will be able to see these through your parent account too.